Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

Every new year, we resolute so many things to start everything anew
But we achieve among them only a few
Let us not lose heart, but let us bring everything together and start again to sew
Let our sense and motor organs and mind come together to form as a strong crew
People in the past who brought their organs and mind together are those people who grew
Have we ever seen the sun fearing the dew?
Then why do we have to ever show the tiredness after a failure and ever utter the word phew?
We are brighter than sun, I tell you, which you never knew
Do we have inhibitions? then let us decide to eschew and eschew
We should always have noble and dream goals in our purview and never let it slew
Time has arrived to let that volcano of jealousy and anger spew
To know more about ourselves and to realize our potentials, lets us interview. Actually I should coin a term 'Intra-view'
Before Intra-view, let us not forget to preview
After Intra-view let us not forget to review