Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Philosopher's Promise!

Oh my dear,
Remember, remember, remember!
I am a philosopher and in my association you will never suffer
I, your sweet idiot will ride the life chariot
Let there be thorns and let there be stones, but why do you have to fear when I'm your chauffeur
Oh my queen! in your presence, I am evergreen
You are my luck, so I'm sure my life will never get stuck
In agriculture, I see this country's culture
Come then, let us go to a village and escape from the city/town based monotonous mirage
Let us sculpture our children's nature and make them this country's future
We shall experience the bliss and not just stop physically at a kiss
Our soul is eternal and beyond funeral
Oh my honey,
Is this not idea beyond money?
Is this not idea very sunny?
I am a philosopher and in my association you will never suffer :-)

Know what is philosopher perception of Love!

Monday, 27 February 2012


Love is not an emotion and I am for this notion
Love is a duty, hence preserve its purity
Love if you want to explain? Alas! then you would only invite pain
Love if you say is between two, then I would first say wo and then say boo
Love is one and it expects none
Love if stands on a condition, then it is fit for incineration
In love we cannot think 'to converge', as its objective is 'to merge'
In love you can become 'You' and can see the world in You
Love shouldn't be just Platonic, it should be Titanic

I might not be a love-boy, but I do make special loving promises!

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Goddess of Sleep!

Spread is my bed and I am waiting for you to tread
Put me on your lap, let me have a nap
Quickly switch off the lights and let me slowly begin to dictate my rights
Let it be so dark, that nobody in this world can capture that snap in which I am seen to be in your trap
I'm afraid, because, the world's eye is scrap
You alone can give me a chance to have a glance of a daily trance
You help me go beyond pain and sooner I see the bliss heavily rain
You everytime take me to a state where the world seems to be put in a crate
Wow! it is a feeling everyone wants to celebrate
Come Come Come........
Come, oh Goddess of sleep, I am cautiously waiting to listen to your beep
Come, oh charming lady of Slumber, if you don't I will profusely slobber