Friday, 26 February 2010

My Birth

I know that I'm just a speck in this universe, but I'm essentially divine like everyone :-) Hence, I have used time and again that I have a divine personality or am myself a divine soul. Long long back in year 2007 when I created an Orkut profile, I was so carried away by it that I used to experiment, explore and eventually exhaust. That was something so intriguing and the same seems with the too. I feel like sharing number of blogs. But who has the time? (Neither the reader, nor the composer has). So I need to be sedate and expect from the Comment-ors and onlookers of my blogs to be sedate enough and wait patiently for my new postings. This Spot was created with an intention, even which I don't know!

Anyhow, to make a beginning with blogging, I will start from my birth. It is always believed in our tradition and moreover as a student of Indian Philosophy and Psychology I have better understood, rather than just a belief, that having a birth in a Brahmin clan is sacred, very sacred in fact.

What can mere 'Noble-Birth's' 'Dress-Code's' and 'Food-Pattern's' contributions be in certifying my Sacredness. At the end of the day its the 'Accomplishments' between life's two points 'Birth and Death' and 'My Desires to thrive for the Social Well-being' that can ascertain and asses my Sacredness.
So 'Sacredness'(just by birth) always remains 'Bone of Contention'!

Anyways, like any other married woman, (normally of the mid-eighties) my mother too wanted to plunge into the realms of motherhood. Her wait came to an end when she successfully landed me on this 'Planet Earth'. I thank with veneration the nurses and others who were tangibly and intangibly responsible to present my loving mother with her much awaited motherhood without injuring her and my respected father for his much deserved fatherhood, after all the hardships he had undergone for twenty years between 18 and 38, before he finally decided to marry. Then, I hated everyone for devising strategies to push me into the dungeon called "Planet Earth" (wherein man is gathering pain in an effort only to garner grain), hence I cried aloud in vain (this was the reason why I cried when I came out of my Mother's womb. Dunno really why other new born kids cry!!!!!).

I was born in the year 1986, on 26th of February, in the early morning 12-mins before the sun was getting ready to dislodge his mild (Sattwic) rays at 2-A.M, in a noble Hoysala Karnataka Brahmin tribe. It is hard to remember, except for a few highly intelligent men and to reproduce the first five years of childhood experiences, as those years would have been rolled effortlessly either in the cradle wetting nappies or surrendering at the feet of goddess sleep or on the laps, bosoms and shoulders of parents, grand-parents, relatives or a few kid admirers. Any other most productive work we all as kids would have done is tested our neighbour aunts' uncles' patience level by irritably crying, weeping, wailing and yelling unable to manifest the problems like thirst hunger Etc., in words. Or even more productive, in fact, most productive task we would have unknowingly taken up was to unite mothers and their in-laws for some time at least (In-laws are happy to be Grand-parents soon after their Son's marriage, till their daughter-in-law gifts them that responsibility, there secretly exists a kind of a distance which in-laws maintain suspiciously) to make them know the joy of their new responsibilities.

Alas! Fathers continue to work hard, settling hospital bills and stick on to their routine which would help them pay hefty bills easily. Hope this story was same with my father too! But after I have run my eyes through a few countable photos of my childhood days which is just one album sized, I strongly feel I was one charismatic kid and everyone flocked around me to touch my butter smooth cheeks. If there were digital cameras then to capture unlimited photos of all my activities and every posture I adopted and all the poses I posed, it would have been easy to find out exactly what kind of a kid I was?!

OK let bygone be bygone ;-)

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